
Tag Archives: progressive

Went to the co-op by my house today because I was in the area and wanted a few fresh things. While I was bagging I pulled out my copy of “An Emergent Manifesto” so it wouldn’t get wet from the water-y vegetables I was putting into my bag. The cashier asked me, “is that a good book?” I said that it was, but as the transaction was ending I didn’t get the chance to tell him it’s about a radical movement in Christianity.

I wonder what the conversation might’ve been like if I’d had more time to tell him what the book was about. I mean the word “manifesto” is certainly eye-catching. Suggests ideas that are a radical break from the norm. Christianity, however, tends to suggest the very opposite: conservative tradition, strict beliefs and a strong status quo. But in truth the two are not opposites, and if you ask me, Jesus and radicalism go very hand-in-hand.

Can a Christian use the term “manifesto” in earnest? I think we can. I think we should. I think those who might be inclined toward Christianity, but feel disgusted by the actions of the conservative right need to see there is a legitimate, orthodox and vital way to be involved. Also against the more “Liberal” who just love everyone and everything and just perpetuate shit-as-it-is. Those who have no interest or liking of the many churches/Church of Christianity ought to at least hear our side that is generous, tolerant, peaceful and when need arises radical. There are even anarchists in our pews.

I don’t know what may come or what to expect of living as a Christian among people who find it intolerable. I want to make it at least tolerable. I don’t want to “win souls.” God does that work. My best is to live as Christ-like as I can, flaws and all. I want others to see on TV the pundits who say “hurricanes are caused by homosexuals!” and think, “my Christian friend, ______, would never say such crazy bullshit.” Or in the words of St. Francis, “Preach the Gospel always, and when necessary use words.” My aspiration to never cut out, cast out, rally against, demean or persecute anyone, that’s my Gospel. That’s how Jesus lived.

I have a small handful of friends and family who are roughly my age and openly Christian. I have a large number who are bitterly against it. The latter is the fault of the Church. We haven’t been loud enough, or open enough, persistent enough, or caring enough. The Glory and Beauty of Christianity has been over-whelmed by the question of sexuality and questions of exclusion.

I don’t agree with all of what comes out of the Emerging Church, but that’s the beauty of it. No more factions, no more political sychophants or denominations (as necessary divisions) and no more useless hugging tradition. The eschatology of Christianity should forbid us from digging into traditions and nostalgia. God does not work in conservative ways; He constantly challenges us to new frontiers and deeper ways of living in the Word.

As I was out for coffee this morning I peeked in the window of my bank, which is right next to my favorite cafe, to see who was working. As I deal with a local bank I’ve gotten on friendly terms with some of the tellers, as their management does not require them to behave like cold animatronic devices to anyone with under $100,000 in an account. But as it’s MLK Jr. Day, the bank was closed.

MLK Jr. Day has long been an anomaly to me, just as Labor Day is. Namely, why it is that the people with the most reason for celebration, people who mostly make up the professions that have benefited the most by these great historical events are also the least likely to get the paid holiday?

And it’s not a case I have statistical numbers for, but come on. The people who most often take off today are people who have a position of high authority and who make substantial earnings. And that, let’s face it, does not go proportionately towards black people (also public sector workers, which does too, but one exception doesn’t change the rule.)

I brought this up elsewhere this morning and got hit with a “aren’t you being racist to assume black people don’t work in banks, law offices, these high-end type jobs?” No. Most definitely not. There is no speaking of problems such as race without speaking of the very real and living realities of discrimination. So here’s a cold hard fact that a lot of people do not want to take as medicine but it’s real: I’m white, I can count on a better salary, better job and especially if it’s high-end a monopoly on it. And if I can’t either redistribute or advocate in a way that makes up my cents on the dollar then I’m doing nothing but talking air and profiting all the while (though these days, profits have been rather slim and shitty.)

Political-correctness is an attitude, and there is genuine need for much of it, but it can also over-ride the very perception of the problem it claims to address and fix. Political correction was meant to give oppressed groups their own responsibility and right over their representation in society; not to gloss over and make believe the world is perfect as a cart before the horse.

Lastly, not a fan of taking MLK Jr. Day as a time of “reflection.” We’re not living his Dream. To “reflect back” on the Civil Rights movement is to me sort of like reflecting upon the days when Obama is president. Oh, he’s still president? So you cannot really “reflect” then. This should be a day for committed civil rights workers to gird their loins and, yes, look back, but only with the intention of mapping a way forward. This is not a day for soundbytes of how great King was.